Nexwoven Minini logo V Fold nonwoven Wipe in Rolls Ideal for Surface Cleaning and Disinfection


Dispenser with Active Antimicrobial Protection for V fold rolls
It is part of the Nexwoven® system suitable for holding V-folded rolls, allowing perfect impregnation and preservation of impregnated wipes.Our dispensers have been enhanced with the Copptech technology that provides antimicrobial properties. The deriving protection lasts throughout the entire product life cycle because is embedded in the plastic material, without leaching. The Copptech patented technology complies with the European regulation standards and is registered with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, USA).

Tests certified
by TÜV SÜD in 2019, according to ISO 22196-2011 (Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces).
Proven results:

• E. coli bacteria: reduction of 99.9% after 24h.
• Listeria bacteria: reduction of 99.6% after 24h.
• MRSA bacteria: reduction of 93% after 24h.

Effectiveness does not diminish after cleaning cycles with common chemicals.
Technical Features
5-SECCHIELLO-B Product name Code Colour Dim. 10-CONFEZIONI-B
nexwoven secchiello con estrazione_tappi diversi_etichetta_I1A7274 PP-Dispenser for V fold rolls NW55
white dispenser
9055-A0W white dispenser cap 23.7 x 23.7 x 21.5 cm 20 in cardboard box
nexwoven secchiello con estrazione_tappi diversi_etichetta_I1A7274 PP-Dispenser for V fold rolls NW55
white dispenser
9055-A0T turquoise dispenser cap 23.7 x 23.7 x 21.5 cm 20 in cardboard box
nexwoven secchiello con estrazione_tappi diversi_etichetta_I1A7274 PP-Dispenser for V fold rolls NW55
dispenser blue
9055-A0B white dispenser 23.7 x 23.7 x 21.5 cm 20 in cardboard box

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for cleaning glass and delicate surfaces





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Nexwoven Sanifix Nonwoven wipe ideal for surface sanitization


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