Minini Nexwoven sanifix logo V fold wipes in roll Ideal for Surface Sanitization


Nonwoven Wipe Ideal for Surface Sanitization

Thanks to its particular structure, this extremely soft wipe retains the liquid and releases it evenly on the surface. It can be soaked with different disinfectant or cleaning liquids. Particularly effective with disinfectants and sanitizers, it can also be used dry. This lint-free, tear-resistant and friction-resistant material is skin friendly, meeting the requirements of OEKO-TEX Standard 100 (product class I).

SANIFIX® PREMIUM: cross lapped
SANIFIX® LR: parallel lapped

> Hygienic single use.
> Especially suitable for use in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and every environment where hygiene is essential

Nexwoven range Nonwoven V folded Wipes in roll Ideal for Surface Cleaning and Disinfection roll refilling system
Nexwoven range Nonwoven V folded Wipes in roll Ideal for Surface Cleaning and Disinfection proper impregnation of the roll with customized chemical
Nexwoven range Nonwoven V folded Wipes in roll Ideal for Surface Cleaning and Disinfection single wipes extraction
Nexwoven range Nonwoven V folded Wipes in roll Ideal for Surface Cleaning and Disinfection label details
Nexwoven range Nonwoven V folded Wipes in roll Ideal for Surface Cleaning and Disinfection label details
Nexwoven range Nonwoven V folded Wipes in roll Ideal for Surface Cleaning and Disinfection wipes extraction
Technical Features
RISORSA 50@4X Product name Code Colour RISORSA 54@4X 8-MISURE-B Roll length RISORSA 56@4
nexwoven_sanifix rotolo estrazione_I1A7329 V fold Roll NEXWOVEN ®
1042-920* white 90 28 x 32 cm 28.8 m 6
nexwoven_sanifix rotolo con estrazione_I1A7329 V fold Roll NEXWOVEN ®
1060-960 white 90 28 x 32 cm 28.8 m 6
nexwoven_sanifix rotolo estrazione_I1A7329 V fold Roll NEXWOVEN ®
1040-900* white 90 28 x 32 cm 28.8 m 6

*The tested wipe showed an adequate disinfecting effect in the 4-field test. The test was conducted immediately after the preparation of the system as well as after 90 days of use. Therefore, the tested product is fit for purpose and has the required long-term stability. V folded Roll in dispenser.

> Components of the Nexwoven® system: wipes in V folded roll + dispenser with active antimicrobial protection
> Dry rolls to be impregnated with sanitizer. The liquid solution is retained and released evenly
> High-quality nonwoven fabric
> High resistance to solvents
> Economical use


for cleaning glass and delicate surfaces



Minini DNV quality system certification iso 9001

Testo Certificazione

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Nexwoven Sanifix Nonwoven wipe ideal for surface sanitization


1065-675 \ 1065-445
Nonwoven wipe with higher grammage and strong for challenging cleaning situations

Nexwoven Sanifix Nonwoven wipe ideal for surface sanitization


1050-390 / 1050-360
Nonwoven wipe ideal for surface cleaning and disinfection


Nexwoven Dispenser with Active Antimicrobial Protection for nonwoven V fold wipes in rolls ideal for sanification


9055-A0W / 9055-A0T / 9055-A0B
Dispenser with Active Antimicrobial Protection